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1001 11111001 10001 10 10011101 1110100 11100011 1011011 11011000 1000001 1010110 11000101 1100011 1010110 10001000 11000000

Although it has absolutely nothing to do with this topic, I made up this list of Interesting Facts:

09 – is the maximum number of cubes needed to sum any positive integer
F9 – This key is next to the one you use to boot Windows into safe mode.
11 – Smallest two digit prime number.
02 – The number of eyes an average person has.
9D – A homophone for the number Ninety.
74 – Year of the Watergate scandal.
E3 – Short for Electronic Entertainment Expo
5B – Industry term for a 5% blend of biodiesel with regular diesel
D8 – Internet slang for “Date”
41 – Just shy of the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything.
56 – The number of men who signed the US Declaration of Independence.
C5 – C5 is the envelope size matching the A5 size of paper.
63 – In binary is 111111
56 – The maximum determinant in an 8 by 8 matrix of zeroes and ones.
88 – Radium’s atomic number.
C0 – A fictional molecule with zero carbon atoms.

This list is copyrighted and being released under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Fuente: Meneame (comentario de DZPM)

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