My Screenshoter script is getting mature (and big), the client that uploads the screenshots is the same, but the server script has turned in a full application.
Today I finished the translation system, date detection and generation (in the selected language of course), and refactored everything as objects.
Now I have a pretty nice Images interator (using SPL standard library) and an Image class that will handle everything as a real object, not as a simple set of filenames.
It will have an admin interface to add titles and comments(stored in mysql), and a template system soo you can have a custom look easily.
You can get the last development version from using svn.
As soon as an stable release is ready, I’ll make it public in his own page with news, changes history, instructions, tips and all those pretty stuffs that you should find in any project page (including screenshots of course).
For the moment it does exactly the same of the last version, but with a little more information stored in the Image object.
You can get it and play with it if you wan’t..I don’t use the database and the secretword yet, so you don’t have make big changes.
Cheers and happy screenshoting!
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